
Re/Spiriting Education: Elders in Conversation

Elders in Conversation

Join us online for an informative and exciting event, where Elders will discuss the purpose and meaning of infusing Spirit in education. What role do dreams play? What role does the spirit of Nature play? What role does our soul play? What does re/spiriting mean for humanity? What is special about the times that we're living in? 

Special Guests Include:

  • Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa, Shona of Zimbabwe
  • Heidi McBratney, Star Nation
  • Gail Whitlow, Mohawk Nation

We look forward to seeing you there!

About the Speakers

Gail Whitlow Image

Gail Whitlow, Mohawk Nation

Heidi McBratney Image

Heidi McBratney, Star Nation

Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa Image

Gail Whitlow, Mohawk Nation

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