
Feng-Yi (Doris) Lin

December 1, 2020
Feng-Yi (Doris) Lin
Program: Master of Education in Developmental Psychology and Education (DPE)
Expected year of graduation: 2021

What led you to apply to APHD at OISE?
I decided to apply to APHD at OISE because I wanted to explore other options for myself and change my career path. I have been interested in psychology and curious to learn how to translate and apply those concepts in educational settings. Since the DPE program has a combined focus on education and psychology, it is a perfect fit for me! Moreover, as an immigrant from Taiwan to Canada, I was eager to find a way to have a smooth transition and start my journey in Toronto.

What was your past work experience like?
I have a multidisciplinary background. I did my Bachelors degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Taiwan University in Taiwan, then pursued my Master of Science in Management, with a specialization in marketing at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom (UK). After that, I worked in the business and financial sectors for more than five years. As an associate marketing manager in an international trading company and then a financial analyst, my work experience included market research, project management, data analysis, conference planning, and communication.

Are there any past accomplishments that you would like to highlight?
Moving to Canada is one of my most important decisions. As an immigrant, it took me a while to adjust to the cultural norms and learn about the job market here. It was tough in the beginning since I was away from family and friends, and I was trying to get used to the winter here. The transition was challenging, but I made it. I was grateful for people who helped me along the way and encouraged me with their stories. Therefore, I decided to start a  to share my experience and tips with other newcomers to Canada. One of my videos currently has more than 55,000 views. But more importantly, I was so happy when people sent me private messages and told me they were encouraged by my stories, and they found my tips helpful.

What is one thing you like most about your experience so far at OISE?
The best thing I like about OISE is the people. I am so grateful for the support I have received from the staff, faculty, my cohort since my first day at OISE. I have been trying to explore the many careers I can get into for the past year, so I reached out to many people in the OISE community to ask for advice and learn from their stories. Even though they already had so much on their plate, they not only responded to my questions very quickly but also took the time to meet with me, and some even checked in with me afterward to see if I needed any help. I feel blessed to be part of the OISE community.

What is your favourite thing about Toronto?
My favorite thing about Toronto is that it has diverse cultures. I love meeting people from different backgrounds and listen to their stories. It’s very inspiring!!

What does your “weekend” typically look like?
If I am not working on the weekend, I like to spend some time in nature, watching movies, and reading books. 

What are some of your hobbies & interests (cooking, sports, travelling, etc?)
I love traveling! I still remember how excited I was and how much preparation I had to make when I traveled alone in Hungary and the Czech Republic in 2013. I made a 20 page travel pamphlet for myself since at that time you could not get WIFI anywhere. I got lost several times, but I also met so many nice and interesting people during my trip, and I still keep in touch with them now. Ever since that trip, I’ve been interested in traveling and exploring new places. I thoroughly enjoyed traveling across Europe when I was doing my MSc in the UK. My first job also required me to visit clients and participate in international trade shows in Europe and North America. I have visited more than 20 countries for the past seven years, and I am eager to explore more. My original plan was to visit Peru this Spring, but due to COVID-19 I had to change my plans. Hopefully, I will be able to make it in 2021.

What is your favorite type of cuisine?
I enjoy trying different types of cuisines, and that’s one of the reasons why I love Toronto so much! We have so many options here, and most of them are not only authentic but delicious. If I have to pick my favorite types of cuisines, Thai and Italian food never disappointed me!

Where do you see yourself after you achieve your degree from APHD?
I would love to work in a field where I can do work that is both meaningful to me and allows me to make an impact on society. My end goal is to apply what I’ve learned to help children to succeed in the 21st century by translating research findings into an actionable form that can be used to improve policy, practice, and public knowledge. For now, I’m going to focus on building my knowledge and research skills so that I would have the tools I need to accomplish my goal.

APHD Student
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