
Shanelle Henry

January 5, 2022
Shanelle Henry
Program: Doctor of Philosophy in School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP)
Expected year of graduation: 2022

What led you to apply to APHD at OISE?
During undergrad, I became impassioned with a desire to provide service to children and their families and to conduct clinically related research. I felt that pursuing graduate education at OISE’s school and clinical child psychology program would enable me to bridge my interests in education, child welfare, and psychosocial interventions. When I met with my research supervisor, Dr. Brendan Andrade, I believed that it was a great fit for my goals! I found Dr. Andrade’s research in child disruptive behaviours and personalizing interventions very intriguing. 

What was your past work experience like?
Prior to being in the SCCP program, I worked in a few different roles. I worked in the social services sector, supporting Torontonians receiving Ontario Works assistance. I also was employed as a research assistant with Toronto Public Health and volunteered in various research labs at Ryerson University. The most meaningful role that I had was my volunteer work with the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto in which I supported children during access visits with their parents (I have continued this volunteer work throughout graduate school).

Are there any past accomplishments that you would like to highlight?
I feel fortunate to have been afforded many opportunities for clinical and research development in the SCCP program over the years. Upon reflection, I valued the opportunity to contribute to writing a book chapter on Psychotherapy with Children with Externalizing Disorders. I also feel fortunate to have been awarded a SSHRC Doctoral Scholarship and the Dr. Gervan Fearon Scholarship community-based scholarship from Tropicana Community Services.

What is one thing you like most about your experience so far at OISE?
I have most valued the strong connection to schools, community organizations, and hospitals that OISE/UT offers. This has enabled me to be able to network and take on various research and clinical opportunities throughout the years. With my research supervisor’s lab being at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, I have been able to center my research activities in a clinical setting, which has been amazing for my development as a clinician and researcher. The people in my cohort have also made this whole graduate experience a delight!!

What is your favourite thing about Toronto?
Hmm.. that’s a hard one. I was born and raised here, so I love my city :) I would have to say that I truly enjoy that there are restaurants featuring cuisines from pretty much every culture, especially in Scarborough where I grew up. I also love all the food and music festivals that take place in the summers.

What does your “weekend” typically look like?
Well, right now I am completing my predoctoral residency while also working to finish my dissertation. So, I usually spend some of my weekend writing my dissertation. However, I try to have Saturday evenings and Sundays off for relaxation! This typically looks like watching Netflix and getting takeout or exploring the city in the warmer months!

What are some of your hobbies & interests?
I am definitely a traveller and despite COVID limiting things, I have still been able to take trips to Mexico and New York City, which I really enjoyed! I also love to bake - when I have the time, I really enjoy trying out new cookie and cake recipes.

What is your favorite type of cuisine?
I can’t pick one! If I had to select my favourites, they would be Caribbean (specifically Trinidadian and Jamaican), Mexican, and Italian.

Where do you see yourself after you achieve your degree from APHD?
After finishing my PhD, I plan to work in a hospital or community-based mental health setting supporting children, youth and their families as a clinical psychologist. I have particularly valued my experiences working with youth in the criminal justice sector. I would love to be able to continue to work in an area in which I can bridge my interests in youth justice, mental health, and parenting interventions.

APHD Student
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