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Incentives for University Internationalization in Argentina, Canada Lithuania, Portugal and Taiwan
Presenter: Grace Karram Stephenson
Chair: Carly Manion
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Indigenous Maternal Methodologies: Ethical and Relational Responsibilities
Presenter: Jennifer Brant
Chair: Carly Manion
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Presenter: Mieke Lopes Cardozo
Chair: Carly Manion
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Presenter: Mabruk Kabir & Norin Taj
Chair: Carly Manion
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Presenter: Vandra Masemann & Kara Janigan
Chair: Carly Manion
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“Second Language Writing: A Study of the Learning and Teaching of Academic Writing in a Networked Culture” – Ramesh Pokharel

“Towards an Expanded Notion of Identity: An Engagement with Charles Taylor’s Sources of the Self” – Aayah Amir
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The Language Friendly School
Emmanuelle Le-Pichon and Ellen-Rose Kambel
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Financial Education in Canadian and International Curricula: Building an Educational Perspective
Alexandre Cavalcante
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Propositions for Pedagogical Responses to Ecological Precarity
Fikile Nxumalo
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Sunnie Rucker-Chen and Miglena Todorova