
OISE/UT Survey Series: Survey of Public Attitudes Towards Education

OISE/UT Survey Series has been designed to track public views over time on key issues, and to capture public reaction to emerging policy issues. The Survey Series enables policymakers and other stakeholders to distinguish areas where public opinion shows long term stability, or has moved in response to events and/or changes in educational policy.

The only continuing survey of public attitudes toward education in Canada, the Survey Series, begun in 1978, has been administered every two years since 1980. Established by Dr. D.W. Livingstone and co-led by Dr. Livingstone and Dr. Doug Hart for most of its existence, the series is currently led by Dr. Arlo Kempf and Dr. Peter Sawchuk with the advisory support of the founders. Only the U.S. Phi Delta Kappa Gallup Poll on school issues has a longer history.

Now affiliated with CLSEW — throughout its ongoing history, the Survey Series has been affiliated and supported by researchers of the former Centre for the Study of Education, as well as the Office of the Dean of OISE/UT and the Ministry of Education of Ontario.