
MT Program Updates for CTL Newsletter

News & Updates
Master of Teaching (MT) Program

MT News & Updates: January 2025 


Curriculum Renewal Update

Phase 1: Contextualization

Throughout Fall 2024, the Curriculum Renewal team gathered data from school district and federation representatives and members of the MT Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC). The team also reviewed new literature and strategic documents from the Ontario Teachers Federation and school districts, and TDSB census data. These sources have helped to deepen understanding of the current context of education and to strengthen partnerships.

We have been learning from two new and two existing site-based cohorts; the Year 1 Ethics and Law courses; the Junior/Intermediate Drama and Dance intensives; and a variety of program delivery options. Ongoing data collection and analysis continues with our MT Instructor Community and student midpoint and exit surveys.

Through the winter the team will gather insights from other teacher education programs and external partners and will also draw upon our CTL community to inform and guide program and curriculum development.

MT Black Educators' Association Event

The Master of Teaching Black Educators Association (MT BEA) invites you to the 3rd Annual Celebration of Black history and futures in OISE’s Nexus Lounge on Thursday, February 13th, 2025 from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. The purpose of this event is to highlight and celebrate the various cultures, traditions, voices, stories, and identities of Black, African, and Caribbean peoples and communities through storytelling

Food and non-alcoholic drink will be served. 

MT BEA Event