
Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Awards (Descriptions)

Alexander Pringle Seggie Award

The award will be made annually to the student in the Master of Teaching program who shows the greatest all around achievement in academic standing, practice teaching, and contribution to the program.

No application is required.

Anne Millar Graduate Student Fellowship

The fellowship will be awarded to the prior year's recipient of the Anne Millar Graduate Student OSOTF Fellowship upon entry into year two of the Master of Teaching program, subject to confirmation by the Master of Teaching academic faculty. The student should exemplify the following qualities: a demonstrated commitment to the teaching profession and to the education of young people, an understanding of the contemporary educational context, positive leadership skills, care and concern for others, fairness and integrity.

No application is required.

Anne Millar Graduate Student OSOTF Fellowship

To be awarded to one student each year who is entering the Master of Teaching program. Financial need must be demonstrated. The award will be given to a student who best exemplifies the following qualities: a demonstrated commitment to the teaching profession and to the education of young people, an understanding of the contemporary education context, positive leadership skills, care and concern for others, fairness and integrity. The same student will be awarded the Anne Millar Graduate Student Fellowship upon entry into year two of the program subject to confirmation by the Master of Teaching academic faculty. This award is made to the student who has applied to the MT program and received the highest entry score.

No application is required.

Arnolds Balin Award

This award is presented annually to a student in the Master of Teaching program on the basis of academic standing, concern for others, perserverance, and qualities of leadership.

No application is required.

Don Wright Scholarship Fund / Don Wright Bursary Fund

To be awarded to a Master of Teaching student at OISE on the basis of financial need. Preference will be given to a student who plans to teach music and has a strong interest in developing young voices from Grades 5 to 10. The other award is for a full time student in the Master of Teaching program who has demonstrated talent and achievement in the field of practical instrumental arranging and orchestration.

No application is required.

Dr. and Mrs. R.L. Peterson Memorial Entrance Award

To be awarded to a Master of Teaching student at OISE who will enroll in Science (biology, chemistry, physics or science-general) and who best demonstrates(s) a commitment to conservation and activities providing preparation for a career in teaching. Candidates must also have good academic standing and demonstrate financial need.

The value of this award is $1,000 per recipient.

The deadline for award consideration has passed.

Dr. Andy Anderson Memorial Scholarship

One or more awards will be granted to Master of Teaching students, based on financial need, with Health and Physical Education as a teaching subject. Preference will be given to a student who shows the potential to become an educational leader.

The value of this award is based on the accrued annual income (approximately $2,750), which can be divided among multiple recipients.

Please submit your application form and Financial Need Assessment Form to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca by April 14, 2024

Fariah Chowdhury Memorial Social Justice Award

The Fariah Chowdhury Memorial Social Justice Award was created in memory of OISE alumna Fariah Haque Chowdhury, a passionate educator, activist and advocate who passed away suddenly in 2020.  It will be awarded to one or more students in the Master of Teaching program, who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in advocating for racial equity, Indigenous sovereignty, migrant rights, and youth poverty and who intend to teach a social justice curriculum at elementary or secondary schools upon graduation.

Preference will be given to students from underrepresented groups in the teaching profession, including Black/Indigenous students, who require financial assistance.

The value of this award is based on its annual income (initially $1,650), which can be divided among multiple recipients.

Please submit the application form and financial need assessment form to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca by December 1, 2024.

James F. Johnson Masonic Award

To be awarded to a student who is entering the Master of Teaching program in Secondary School Music Education (Intermediate-Senior) at OISE. The candidate should possess a degree in Music, or is registered concurrently in the Faculty of Music. Successful candidates will be selected based on the qualities of high academic achievement and strong leadership and teaching competencies.

The value of this award is $1,000.

Please submit your application form by May 1, 2024.

Jean Stirling Entrance Award

To be awarded to a Master of Teaching student at OISE on the basis of financial need and academic merit. Preference will be given to a female student(s) who is/are university graduate(s) in Physical and Health Education or Kinesiology. The recipient must qualify as an Ontario resident.

The value of this award is based on the accrued annual income (approximately $5000), which can be divided among multiple recipients.

Questions about this award can be directed to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca.

Please submit your application form and Financial Need Assessment Form by May 1, 2024.

Kathleen Wynne Diversity in Education Award

The Kathleen Wynne Diversity in Education Award will be awarded on the basis of financial need to students in the Master of Teaching (MT) program and the Master of Arts in Child Study & Education (MA-CSE) Program. Preference will be given to candidates who can act as role models in the education system for students from marginalised groups, such as visible minority, LGBTQ, Two-Spirit, Black, Indigenous, people of colour, as well as students with disabilities.

The value of this award is based on its annual income (approx $2800), which can be divided among multiple recipients.

Please submit your AND financial need assessment by December 1, 2024. Please refer to the application form for information on how to submit the financial need assessment portion of your application.

Keith and Leta Torrie Scholarship

The Keith & Leta Torrie Scholarship is to be awarded to a University of Toronto B.Sc. (Major or Specialist) graduate in one of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry (or closely related discipline such as Astronomy or Statistics). The award is based on academic merit (at time of admission). Although all divisions are welcome to apply, preference will be given to a student satisfying the criteria and has been accepted for the elementary program (P/J or J/I).

The value of this award is based on the annual income (approximately $2,000).

The application has passed. It was November 15, 2022.

Kenneth Ward Memorial Bursary

This award was established by Maria Ward in memory of her husband Kenneth Ward, an OISE alumnus. It will be given to one or more OISE graduate student in the Master of Teaching program. Awards will be made on the basis of financial need and will be administered in accordance with the University’s Policy on Student Awards. Preference will be given to Indigenous students or students conducting Indigenous education research.

The value of this award is based on the annual income (approximately $1,800).

Please submit your application form and financial need assessment form by December 1, 2024 to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca

M. Penelope Carter Award

To be awarded to a Master of Teaching student who has graduated from the University with the highest marks in a Specialist or Major Program in English. The successful candidate must be admitted to the Intermediate/Senior Division at OISE and will be enrolling in the English teachable subject. Consideration for this award will be on the basis of financial need, especially related to family responsibilities.

The value of this award is based on the annual income (approximately $8,000), which can be divided among multiple recipients.

The application deadline has passed. The deadline was November 15, 2022.

Mark Crowe Memorial Award

This award was established by friends, relatives, and family of Mark Crowe who died in June 1988, while saving the life of a stranger. To be award to a Master of Teaching student at OISE, at the conclusion of the academic year, to the student in History and/or Political Science programs who has demonstrated such qualities as compassion, dedication, and excellence in teaching.

No application is required.

Memorial Scholarship - Amanda Cowan

The award was established by friends and family of Amanda Marie Cowan who passed away in 2007. It will be awarded to a full-time Master of Teaching or Master of Arts in Child Study & Education student at OISE, based on financial need and demonstrated academic promise. Preference will be given to a student enrolled in a post-graduate program intending to teach at the elementary to Grade 10 level.

The value of this award is based on an annual donation of approximately $1,100.

The deadline to apply was August 29, 2024. Subject to renewal of funds, this award will be re-posted in June 2025.

Miyumi Sasaki Education Fund

To be awarded to one or more Master of Teaching students at OISE on the basis of financial need, a demonstrated commitment to social justice and equity, and an expressed intent to teach in an “inner-city” neighbourhood. Preference will be given to applicants whose life has been influenced by, and/or who has a connection to, an inner city community. The recipient must qualify as an Ontario resident.

The value of this award is based on the accrued annual income (approximately $1,500), which can be divided among multiple recipients.

Please submit your application and Financial Need Assessment Form by April 14, 2024 to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca. Please have your referees submit their references directly to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca

Morgan Parmenter Bursary in Guidance

Established by Mrs. M.D. Parmenter in recognition of Morgan D. Parmenter, Professor of Guidance, who founded the Guidance Centre in 1943 and was its Director until his death in 1968. To be awarded to a Master of Teaching student. Recipients will be selected on the basis of financial need with preference given to a student with demonstrated ability to contribute to the field of guidance and counselling. Recipients must qualify as Ontario residents.

The value of this award is based on the annual income (approximately $1,000).

Please submit your application and Financial Need Assessment Form to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca by April 14, 2024.

Norma Brock Bursary

This award was established in memory of Norma Brock, a teacher with a long and distinguished career in education. One or more bursaries in the amount of $5,000 each will be granted to students studying full time in the Master of Teaching program or the Master of Arts in Child Study & Education program who are experiencing financial need due to family responsibilities. Preference will be given to single parents and/or students who are returning to school from the workplace.

The value of this award is one or more awards of $5,000.

Please submit your AND financial need assessment form by December 1, 2024. Please refer to the application form for details on how to submit the financial need assessment portion of your application.

Percy H. Tacon Memorial Bursary

This bursary was established by Mrs. P.H. Taçon as a memorial to her husband, Percy H. Taçon, Professor Emeritus and noted Ontario artist, who was a professor of Visual Arts Education at the Faculty of Education and the University of Toronto Schools from 1954 to 1970. To be awarded to a Master of Teaching student. Recipients will be selected on the basis of financial need and demonstrated ability to make a significant contribution to the field of art education. Preference will be given to a student with an arts teaching subject.

The value of this award is based on the annual income ($500).

Please submit your application and Financial Need Assessment Form to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca by April 14, 2024.

Robert Morrice Crowe Award

This award, established by Mrs. Irene Crowe, is given at the conclusion of the academic year to a Master of Teaching student who has demonstrated excellence in teaching Music and Mathematics, and has been successful in being sensitive to the needs of his/her pupils. The value of the award will be the annual income.

No application is required.

Roseann Runte Award

To be awarded to a Master of Teaching student at OISE. Preference will be given to a woman who shows evidence of commitment to pursuing a career in education and promise as an educational leader. Consideration for this award will be on the basis of financial need.

The value of this award is based on the annual income (approximately $1,200).

The application deadline has passed. The deadline was November 15, 2022.

The Borthwick-Duckworth Scholarship

To be awarded to a Master of Teaching student. Preference will be given to a student in financial need who has demonstrated academic ability and a liberal philosophy on social, political and religious issues, and who wishes to teach in elementary or secondary schools.

The value of this award is based on the accrued annual income (approximately $4,750).

Please submit your application form and Financial Need Assessment Form to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca by April 14, 2024.

The Waldorf Schools Scholarship for Evidence-based Research

To be awarded to an OISE thesis-track graduate student (MA or Doctoral) enrolled in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning who submits the highest quality and most relevant proposal for applied research into various experiential, holistic and “hands-on” models of education. Indigenous ways of knowing and learning can also be a lens for analysis. With reference to the expression of Rudolf Steiner’s vision of Waldorf education: Are these curiosity-driven models able to maintain the founder’s creativity and innovation, or do they tend to become static and formulaic?; In what ways do the expressions of various models vary from one another, for example, Waldorf schools in different regions and environments? Successful recipients will provide clear plans to empirically measure what difference these kinds of programs make to different outcomes such as:

  • The development of problem solving,
  • The development of active learner citizens,
  • Or key similarities and differences among and between programs

The value of this award is based on the annual income (approximately $3,000).

Please submit your application form to oise.ctlawards@utoronto.ca by May 1, 2024.

University of Toronto Vari Scholarship

This award was established by the Honourable George W Vari (1923-2010) and Helen Vari. It will be awarded two incoming students in the Master of Teaching and Master of Arts in Child Study & Education programs at $10,000 each per year. Decisions made will based on academic merit and the potential to contribute to the teaching professional. Recipients may receive the award in subsequent years provided the recipient(s) achieve a B+ average on OISE course work. This award is an OSOTF award, therefore recipients must demonstrate financial need and must be Ontario residents.

The value of this award is $10,000 per recipient (and is renewable).

No application is required.

Vernon Douglas McCaw Memorial Fellowship

This fellowship has been established for full-time OISE students registered in the teaching program (Master of Teaching degree).  Founded by a patron who is passionate about the arts and civic engagement, this fellowship will provide a community-based experiential learning opportunity that will bring together theory and practice in music education and develop teaching skills at a deeper level throughout the academic year. It is not necessary to hold a degree in Music, however experience in Music is recommended.

Specifically, selected applicants are expected to attend weekly rehearsals (September to June) as negotiated with Toronto Children’s Chorus. Please click here to view the schedule.

The value of this award is based on the annual income (approximately $2,400).

The deadline to apply was September 5. Subject to renewal of annual funds, this award is posted every year in June with a deadline in late August/early September.

William Waters Graduate Awards in Teacher Education

Established in 2015, the William Waters Graduate Awards in Teacher Education are to be awarded to graduate students enrolled in the Master of Teaching program on the basis of financial need. Preference will be given to visible minority or Indigenous student(s).

The value of this award is based on the annual income ($10,000), which will be divided among multiple recipients.

Please submit the AND financial need assessment by December 1, 2024. Please refer to the application form for details on how to submit the financial need assessment portion of the application.