The OISE Centre for Indigenous Education Research presents: Faculty Speaker Series
Holding Change as a Pedagogy of Abolitionist Praxis
With Dr. Qui Alexander

This talk explores the concept of holding change (brown, 2021) to understand how the phenomenon "pedagogies of abolition" manifests. Drawing on a post-intentional phenomenological (Vagle, 2018) study exploring the teaching/learning of an abolitionist praxis, this talk uses holding change to analyze the experiences of a group of Black trans organizers. Through exploring how "pedagogies of abolition" manifests in the lives of the participants, this talk illuminates the teachable moments of an abolitionist praxis. Through considering the relationship between abolitionist study and struggle; troubling traditional modes of study (Meyerhoff, 2019); and engaging emergent strategy (brown, 2017) as a pedagogical practice, this talk affirms that Black trans life is inherently pedagogical, teaching new ways of knowing and being in the world.
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