
Logo for CIDEC - Comparative, International and Development Education Centre
Book Launch: Teaching Peace and Conflict: The Multiple Roles of School Textbooks in Peacebuilding
OISE Room 7-105
Presenters: Catherine Vanner, Spogmai Akseer, Thursica Kovinthan Levi (eds.), with chapter author guests
Chair: Carly Manion
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OISE Room 12-199
Presenters: Paul Armstrong & Stephen Raynor
Chair: Carly Manion
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OISE Room 7-105
Presenter: Dr. Francine Menashy
Chair: Carly Manion
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Narrativas Textiles: Pedagogíca urbanas para la memoria paz y reconciliación en Colombia”/”Textile-based Narratives: Urban Pedagogies for Memory, Peace, and Reconciliation in Colombia
OISE Room 7-105
Presenters: Claudia Girón, Marina Salazar, Dr. Beatrice Elena Arias López
Chair/Host: Diana Barrero
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Peace and Harmony through uBuntu in a Globalized World
OISE Room 7-105
Presenter: Joel Mukwedeya
Chair: Carly Manion
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All you ever wanted to know about preparing for and attending conferences
Presenter: Vandra Masemann & Kara Janigan
Chair: Carly Manion
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Towards Slow Buen Vivir and other epistemologies for conflict resolution and conflict transformation
Presenters: Yecid Ortega, Karenveer Pannu, Steven Conte
Chair: Carly Manion
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Studying Education Amidst Uncertainty & Crisis: A Dialogue on Research Dilemmas
Presenters: Dr. Dryden-Peterson
Co-Sponsors: Education, Conflict & Peacebuilding (ECP) and the Immigrant and Refugee Education (IRE) groups.
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SDG 4 and Improving Early Grade Learning: Research Evidence from South Africa
Presenters: Brahm Fleisch
Chair: Carly Manion
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Sexual Violence Prevention on Campus & The Role of Student Unions
Presenters: Rachel Persaud, Adaeze Mbalaja, José González, Ryan Tomlinson