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Experience and Perspectives of Children and Parents of Post-Soviet Immigrant and Refugee Families: Educational Research on Stakeholders from a Seldom-noticed Group
Presenters: Sarfaroz, Niyozov, Max Newman, Yecid Ortega, Zahra Jaffarova & Kateryna Pashchenko
Chair: Carly Manion
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Knowledge Production and the United Nations: Gender, Race, Indigenous Peoples and Politics
Presenters: Abigail Bakan & Yasmeen Abu-Laban
Chair: Carly Manion
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The Joseph P. Farrell CIDE Student Research Symposium 2022
Nexus Lounge, OISE
Multiple Speakers
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Globalizing Discussion on Gender, Violence and Education in K-12 Context
Presenters: Dr. Carly Manion & Hayley Brooks
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Presenter: Dr. Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman
Chair: Nina Bascia
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The pill & the contraceptive revolution in America
Presenters: Dr. Elaine Tyler May & Daniella Robinson
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CIDESA Winter Social
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Teach for Arabia by Neha Vora
CIDE/C Book Club
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Incentives for University Internationalization in Argentina, Canada Lithuania, Portugal and Taiwan
Presenter: Grace Karram Stephenson
Chair: Carly Manion
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Sexual Violence on Candian University Campuses
Presenters: Dr. Miglena Todorova & Dr. Lana Stermac