
Schedule - 2023 OISE Graduate Student Research Conference

March 31, 2023

10:00 - 11:00am

Volunteer Orientation & Conference Setup

OISE Library

11:00am - 12:30pm

Registration/Refreshments/Mingle Session

OISE Library

1:15 - 2:45pm

Conference Opening Ceremony

OISE Auditorium
Co-Chairs' Opening Remarks: Amy Leung, Kai Forcey-Rodriguzez, and Sigrid Roman
Welcome Address: Normand Labrie (Interim Associate Dean, Programs)
Keynote Address: Karen Brown (Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario)

3:00 - 4:00pm

Research Poster Showcase

OISE Library
  • Exploration of Mental Health and Multiple Identities for BIPOC 2SLGBTQ+ Gender-Diverse Emerging Adults (Emma Sorez)

    • Factors that Contribute to the Development of Receptive and Expressive Comprehension of Figurative Language in English Language Learners (ELLs): A Systematic Review (Ayda Ferdossifard)
    • Impact of child labour on literacy and numeracy in Côte d’Ivoire (Mary Claire Ball))
    • The Componential Model of Reading in French Immersion (Youness Robert-Tahiri, Ida Mehrdadi, Zein Abuosebeh)
    • Exploring the Role of Attention on Word Reading in French Immersion Students (Shelley Rafailov, Jiangyuan (John) Lin, Riley Alvarez)
    • A Framework of Work Integrated Learning Based on Disciplines in Universities (Max Gao)
    • Understanding University Curriculum to Address the Canadian Transferable Skills Gap (Christine Mishra)
    • Global Citizenship Education in Estonia - A Case Study of Policy Change (Johanna Helin)
    • The Bakhtinian Carnival Attitude: Exploring Improvisation as a Pedagogical Strategy to Challenge Egoistical Nihilism (Anwen Zhang)
    • Are all international learning experiences the same? Investigating the influence of program type characteristics (Marianthi Kontelli)
    • Sink or Swim: First-Year Employed Students and Persistence (Margaret Deleon)
    • How Institutional Isomorphism is Shaped by Distinctive ‘Glonacal Agency’: Hong Kong’s Response to The Global Universities Ranking System (Augustine Hung)

4:00 - 4:30pm


4:45 - 6:15pm

Networking Event

Nexus Lounge
Industry, Community, Faculty, OISE Alumni Association

4:45 - 5:30pm

OISE Alumni Fireside Chat: "Sparking Alumni Diverse Connections"

SJE Lounge (12th floor)
Moderator: Kristina Leis
Panellists: Dr. Cindy Sinclair, Dr. Carol Nash, and Dr. Jamil Kalim