Book Launches

The Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies (CERLL) helps to organise and facilitate a book launch series as a way to introduce and celebrate newly published works by CERLL affiliated researchers.
Book Launches Listing

This book presents the background to this current shift towards action-oriented teaching and provides a theorization of the approach. It discusses the concepts and theories that paved the way for the actional turn and explores their relevance for the way language education is conceived and implemented in the classroom. In the process, it revisits the concept of competence and discusses the dynamic notions of mediation and plurilingualism.

Scholars who use English as an additional language confront challenges when disseminating their research in the global market of knowledge production dominated by English. English for Research Publication Purposes analyses the experiences and practices of these scholars across the globe and presents “critical plurilingual pedagogies” as a theoretically and empirically informed means of supporting them.

This book bridges that gap using interviews with four prominent academic experts in linguistic human rights, mother tongue education and bilingual and multilingual education. The author examines the arguments for rejecting multilingual education in Iran, and the four interviewees counter those arguments with evidence that mother tongue-based education has resulted in positive outcomes for the speakers of non-dominant language groups and the country itself.