Introduction to CERLL Grad Talks

The CERLL Grad Talks series is a space for students to share their in-progress research on topics related to language and literacies education, sponsored by the Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies at OISE/University of Toronto. CERLL Grad Talks offer a collaborative and supportive space for students to work through ideas, share their interests, and gain experience presenting their work. Students are encouraged to participate at any stage of their program, in order to foster a strong and supportive community of developing researchers.

CERLL Grad Talks Listing


A presentation slide from the Katherine Brubacher Grad Talk.
Exploring the Boundaries of Emotion and Language: Elementary School Newcomers with Emerging Print Literacy as Co-researchers
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
The effectiveness of second language teacher education programs in changing pre-service teachers’ beliefs
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Centering ‘Contemplative Criticality’ in Citizenship Education
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Language Considerations to Think About when Observing and Interacting with Young Children
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
What does writing do? Changing the prespective on transformational literacy practices
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Epistemologies of the south: A cosmovision approach to frame social justice and peacebuilding in language(s) teaching and research
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Transforming Stereotypes, Classism, Racism & Misogyny through Social Media
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Positioning of South Korean Students at a Canadian University: “ESL Title is Pretty Embarrassing”
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Written narratives by adult Chinese plurilingual students: Participants’ perceptions of code-switching and the (re)shaping of identity
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
The SegSylPro Approach to Opera Lyric Diction Instruction in a Young Artists Program
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Drawing on Children’s Funds of Knowledge through Digital Storytelling
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
The co-construction of age identity in intergenerational interactions

Get Involved

Are you a graduate student looking to present your in-progress ideas about your research? Or do you want to practice an upcoming presentation?

 If you are interested in sharing your work with the ¥ (OISE) community, please get in contact with us.