
For all Members of the OISE Community

Trying to get over the mid-week hump? Reset and reconnect with yourself, other teacher candidates, and educators during Wellness Wednesdays. Find relief from the busy-ness and burn-out of teaching and learning.

During this short, weekly session, experience a 20-25-minute guided iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation, along with chair Yoga or mindfulness techniques. There will be some time afterwards, if you would like to share or debrief about your experience. 

Also, don't worry if you can't make it to a session. The sessions are recorded and additional resources will be shared, so you may feel supported as you continue the practices and integrate the teachings in everyday life.

*Participants are asked: to dress comfortably, to settle onto supportive surfaces or a stable chair, to prepare any other supports (e.g. cushions, blankets, essential oils, or an eye pillow), and to maintain a safe setting for all by arriving punctually and staying until the meditation is complete.

About the Facilitator: Jen Baradi

Jen first developed an interest in combining education and Yoga while completing a research project on the effects of Yoga on academic achievement. Decades later, after being introduced to the healing benefits of iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation and completing an additional qualification in physical education, she is inspired to integrate learning, teaching, and well-being. Through ongoing training as well as being a Professional Assistant and Production Specialist with the iRest® Institute, she continues to deepen her practice, especially around trauma and culturally sensitive Yoga and meditation.

Jen Baradi, is a 400 RYT Yoga Teacher, Certified iRest® Teacher, and Ontario Certified Teacher with Masters’ degrees in Educational Technology and Curriculum Instruction. She can be found teaching Yoga and meditation in schools, for non-profit organizations (such as Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation), private clients, and public settings (including Jabumind teachers’ app, Vivaya online wellness, and Puppysphere puppy yoga). Jen aspires to promote greater well-being and be of service in schools and communities.

Jen has compiled a list of resources that she is happy to share.

Connect with Jen

Upcoming Sessions

Balance Break sessions are offered every Wednesday, from 12:20 - 12:50 pm EST

Fall: September 25 - November 27, 2024 (no session Oct 23); Winter: January 22 - April 2, 2025 (no session March 12 (March Break))


Balance Break

Ready to step-away for a moment, from work and routines? Perhaps the body and mind are longing for some balance and relief from the busy-ness and burn-out of teaching and learning. Refresh and renew yourself, with other students on Wellness Wednesdays.
OISE Building, Room 12-115

Agreement of Release & Waiver of Liability

By attending Jen Baradi's sessions, you are agreeing to the Release and Waiver of Liability:

You understand that Yoga/meditation/mindfulness are not substitutes for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment, and you should consult a physician prior to beginning any activity program, such as yoga. You recognize that Yoga/meditation/mindfulness requires exertion which may be strenuous and may cause/aggravate injury, and you are fully aware of and willingly assume the risk and hazards involved. 

During the session/class, you know it is important to listen to and respect your body and mind, to gently come out of poses/shapes if you feel strain/pain, and to take rest whenever you need to. You recognize that it is your responsibility to notify your teacher of any serious illness/injury before every Yoga/meditation/mindfulness session/class. You represent and warrant that you have no psychological/medical/emotional conditions which would prevent you from safe participation in these sessions/classes/workshops/trainings.

You accept that neither the teacher, nor the hosting facility, is liable for any injury, or damages, to person or property, resulting from participating in the session/class. You have read and recognize that this release and waiver of liability is a legal contract and fully understand its contents. 

You freely and voluntarily agree to these terms and conditions even though you would not be able to participate without agreeing to this waiver. You assert that your participation and agreement is voluntary and that you assume all risks.

*Those under 18 years of age must be given written permission from a parent/guardian to participate.