
Flowers outside of the University of Toronto campus.
The Symposium 2021 is being presented by CERLL. This event is a collaboration with the Department of Language Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga, the Faculty of Education at Western University, the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics and the Faculty of Education at York University, as well as the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Waterloo.
Book cover for The Action-oriented approach: A dynamic vision of language education.
This book presents the background to this current shift towards action-oriented teaching and provides a theorization of the approach. It discusses the concepts and theories that paved the way for the actional turn and explores their relevance for the way language education is conceived and implemented in the classroom. In the process, it revisits the concept of competence and discusses the dynamic notions of mediation and plurilingualism.
Book cover for The Mind on Paper.
Many people seem to be convinced that all more recent developments in language methodologies, for example task-based language teaching, are just a refinement or extension of the communicative approach. However, by seeing the user/learner as a social agent engaging in different types of language activities, mediating to (co)construct meaning and building on their language repertoire, the Action-oriented Approach (AoA) broadens the scope of language education and introduces a shift towards motivating, realistic, project-based language teaching linked to the promotion of interculturality.

This book presents the background to this current shift towards action-oriented teaching and provides a theorization of the approach. It discusses the concepts and theories that paved the way for the actional turn and explores their relevance for the way language education is conceived and implemented in the classroom. In the process, it revisits the concept of competence and discusses the dynamic notions of mediation and plurilingualism.

The book provides scholars and practitioners with a research-informed description of the AoA, and explains its implications for curriculum planning, teaching, and assessment.
An icon portraying people listening to a presentation.
Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies Research Colloquium 2020. Hosted by Professor Enrica Piccardo.
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Text mining as an AI technique to support reading comprehension and language learning
A slide with information about Dr. Orly Haim's Research Circle presentation.
Exploring the Educational Factors Affecting Literacy Performance and School Adjustment of Multilingual Immigrant Students
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Discussing Language Policy & Its Implications
Book cover for English for Research Publication Purposes: Critical Plurilingual Pedagogies..
Scholars who use English as an additional language confront challenges when disseminating their research in the global market of knowledge production dominated by English. English for Research Publication Purposes analyses the experiences and practices of these scholars across the globe and presents “critical plurilingual pedagogies” as a theoretically and empirically informed means of supporting them.
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
On the move - Learning with youth refugees in secondary school classrooms
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Centering ‘Contemplative Criticality’ in Citizenship Education