
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Transforming Stereotypes, Classism, Racism & Misogyny through Social Media
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Descriptors for mediation, an undervalued concept
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Positioning of South Korean Students at a Canadian University: “ESL Title is Pretty Embarrassing”
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Written narratives by adult Chinese plurilingual students: Participants’ perceptions of code-switching and the (re)shaping of identity
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Order up! The impact of cultural hegemonies on workplace talk
An icon portraying people listening to a presentation.
Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies Research Colloquium 2018. Hosted by Professor Jeff Bale.
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
The SegSylPro Approach to Opera Lyric Diction Instruction in a Young Artists Program
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Drawing on Children’s Funds of Knowledge through Digital Storytelling
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
The co-construction of age identity in intergenerational interactions
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
English Education and Social Reproduction: An Ethnography of Adolescents in a Korean Public School