
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Centering ‘Contemplative Criticality’ in Citizenship Education
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Intergenerational Arts Practices as Opportunities for (Re)Conceptualizing Literacy Curricula Across the Lifespan
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Meeting on Common Ground? Professors and Students Navigating EMI in Higher Education
An icon portraying people listening to a presentation.
Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies Research Colloquium 2019. Hosted by Professor Enrica Piccardo.
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
Language Considerations to Think About when Observing and Interacting with Young Children
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Identity, Investment, and Digital Storybooks for a Multilingual Future
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Walking in a New Direction, Listening in a New Key: Exploring Young Children’s Sonic Compositions in a Primary School
An icon depicting a person speaking at a podium with a screen behind them.
What does writing do? Changing the prespective on transformational literacy practices
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Current Challenges in Teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
An icon portraying four people sitting at a table with speech bubbles.
Why should I learn a language that is spoken by only 330,000 people? The challenge for newcomers and present inhabitants in Iceland