Past Events

Epistemologies of the south: A cosmovision approach to frame social justice and peacebuilding in language(s) teaching and research

Transforming Stereotypes, Classism, Racism & Misogyny through Social Media

Descriptors for mediation, an undervalued concept

Positioning of South Korean Students at a Canadian University: “ESL Title is Pretty Embarrassing”

Written narratives by adult Chinese plurilingual students: Participants’ perceptions of code-switching and the (re)shaping of identity

Order up! The impact of cultural hegemonies on workplace talk

Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies Research Colloquium 2018. Hosted by Professor Jeff Bale.

The SegSylPro Approach to Opera Lyric Diction Instruction in a Young Artists Program

Drawing on Children’s Funds of Knowledge through Digital Storytelling

The co-construction of age identity in intergenerational interactions